Psychology Mindmap

This article will be really a gift for academicians, educational psychologist, Social Workers and Social Psychologist. 

Mindmap is an effective tool for brainstorming activities, parallel learning (learning many concepts together), get an holistic picture, inter linking the concepts and subject matters, revision tool and presentation tool etc. The attached minimal in this article covers the following topics.

Overview of the Psychology Mindmap
Basic concepts of psychology
Applications & Fields of Psychology
Schools / Perspectives of psychology 

Human Growth & Development
Theories of Human Development provides a set of guiding principles & concepts that describe & explain human development
Human Development – Meaning
Stages – Prenatal (Sperm fertilizes egg-birth), Childhood / Juvenile (Childbirth to 12 Yrs), Adolescence & Puberty (13-19 Yrs), Adulthood (20+ Yrs)

Developmental Tasks Havigrust 
Developmental Tasks Infancy & Early Childhood (0-6 Yrs)
Developmental Tasks Middle Childhood (2-12 Yrs)
Developmental Tasks Adolescences (12-18 Yrs)
Developmental Tasks Early Adulthood (18-30 Yrs)
Developmental Tasks Middle Age (30-60 Yrs)
Developmental Tasks Later Maturity (60+)

Psychoanalytic Theories of Development
Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development  
Eric Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development

Learning / Behaviorist Theories
Theories on Classical conditioning and Operant Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
B.F. Skinner
John B. Watson
Edward Thorndike Clark Hull

Cognitive Theories – Cognitive theory is concerned with the development of a person’s thought processes. 
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 Yrs)
Preoperational Stage (2-7 Yrs)
Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 Yrs)
Formal Operational Stage (11-18 Yrs)

Alberts Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
Key concepts
Four key processes in Social Learning: Attention, Retention, Reproduction, Motivation

Kohlberg – Theory of moral development 
Level 1: Pre conventional Morality
Level 2: Conventional Morality
Level 3 Post Conventional Morality

Stages of Faith – James W. Fowler

Stages of Adult Development – Season’s Adulthood, Daniel Levinson

Humanistic Theory
Sociocultural Theory – Lev Vygotsky
Ecological Theory – Urie Bronfenbrenner
Interpersonal Model of Development – Harry Stack Sulivan 
Role of Heredity & Environment

Learning Theories – Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, Humanism

Learning Difficulties
Central Auditory Process Disorder
Aphasia, Dysphasia or Global Aphasia 

Human Intelligence
IQ-Intelligence Quotient

Type Theories & Trait Theories
Psycho analytic Theories
Behavioural Theories
Cognitive Theories
Humanistic Theories
Bio psychological Theories

Personality Disorders
Cluster A - (Odd Disorders)
Cluster B – (Dramatic, Emotional or Erratic Disorders)
Cluster C – (Anxious or Fearful Disorders)
Other Personality Disorders
Personality Test and Types

Mental Deficiency & Retardation 
Down’s Syndrome
Carnial Anarmolies

Mental Deficiency, Mental Illness & Mental Health
Anxiety Disorders
Mood Disorders
Psychotic Disorders
Eating Disorders
Impulsive Control & Addiction Disorders

Mental Health – Meaning, Characteristics, Promotion of Mental Health

Counseling – Meaning, Need & Importance, Process of Counseling, Qualities of Counselor

Psychological Testing – Meaning, Types, Psychometric, Mental Ability Tests, Interest Inventories, Test on Learning Disability 

Social Psychology – Definition, Subject Matter of Social Psychology
Subject Matter of Social Psychology
Prejudice, Discrimination & Diversity
Psychology of Gender
Interpersonal Relations & Social Relations
Social Influence
Social Psychology & the Sustainable Future
Group Behavior 
Violence, Conflict Resolution & Peace
Prosocial Behavior & Social Activism 

Community Psychology – Meaning

Human Memory Types – Sensory, Short Term / Working, Long Term 
Other memory types: Habit Memory/True Memory
Rote Memory / Logical Memory

Forgetting – Meaning
Types of Forgetting / Problems with memory
Theories of Forgetting
Decay Theory
Retrieval Failure Theory
Interference Theory
Motivated Forgetting

 For download, please click the below link:

Ret.Prof Rengaswamy had brought out his entire teaching experience and psychology domain expertise together in this mind map. His emphasis on importance of mind-map.
I have learned the importance of mind maps from the ordinary village people. We do a lot of web charts as a part of our Participatory Rural Appraisal with the villagers and I found that drawing a web chart is a  powerful way to understand the issues confronted by the villagers. I landed up in the mindmapping software in order to convert the webcharts into digital format. Just like the mind map I also learned the importance of GPS (gographical positioning system) from the fisherfolk and I did some experiments with that. Impressed by that the NSS coordinator of Anna University  sent a circular to use GPS, to survey the villages during the NSS Camp. But it failed to take off. NSS rural camps can be sucessfully used to learn the engineering concepts, if the programme officers are willing to learn from the people. I do believe that knowledge is structured in our consciouness and we should create enabling environment to get it expressed.  

I am also forwarding some materials related to an experiment that I undertook during my service I called it as UNIT FOR MADURAI STUDIES, an attempt to understand a city in its totality. A  city provides a lot of opportunities for students and staff to learn several subjects in an integrated way, if we systematically compile the city affairs. By doing this, an educational institute can easily control the direction of the development, the destiny of a city. You can do it for Bhimavaram.   

What I shared with you is a knowledge that I have not created. The only thing I did was, I compiled it. If you feel that it will be useful to you and all those who are connected with your work,  you feel free to use and share it in any format. There is no need to put my name in the banner. 

Let knowledge trump

As a tribute to Ret.Prof. Rengaswamy this article is done. He is a consultant for NGO's,  many social service bodies and forums. You may contact him for further discussion and to make use of his intellectual expertise. 

S.Rengasamy, M A., M.Phil (Social Work)
Ret. Professor, Department of Social Work,
Madurai Institute of Social Sciences, Madurai, 


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