Academic Courses and Other Useful links

Academic Websites
42. E-BOOKS)

Learning Goals and Formative Assessment

Evidence Based Technical Education in Action

Instructor Guidance

Educational Research Guideline

Mid Career Guidance

Teaching with Visualization

Reformed Teaching

Assessment Tools

Affective Domain in Teaching Practices

Transforming Undergraduate Biology Courses

Tool developed by IIT Karagpur:
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is about revolutionary new ways of creating, collaborating, editing and sharing user-generated content online. It's also about ease of use. There's no need to download, and teachers and students can master many of these tools in minutes.

Amrita Virtual Interactive E-Learning World (A-VIEW)
Virtual lab


Learning Activity Types

Tableau – An Interactive Dashboard

Watch this video it tells how to convert pdf tables/data for the visual analysis through Tableau

Death by PowerPoint (TEDx)
Decorated text and logo creation
Recommended by Vice Chairman Sir
Recommended by Chairman Sir
Find if there is an APP (Online/Offline) for the courses planned in the next semester.

The TPACK Activity

Make groups of 3

> Take an English topic (Content Knowledge-CK)

-               SHS English: Unit 4 - Short Stories and Narratives

-               Objectives: Students will be able to orally compose and write interesting and lively short stories reflecting moral values e.g. tolerance, co- operation, obedience.

>  Take a Pedagogy (Pedagogical Knowledge - PK)
            -   Activity-based Learning

> Take a Technology (Technology Knowledge - TK)
            -   Wikispaces, Audacity software, Presentation Software

·             Think of a sound classroom activity that uses that technology, content, and pedagogy
·             How does the technology support the content and the pedagogy?
·             Is there an ICT-application that fits the content and/or the pedagogy in a better way? Which one? Why? How?

·             The group work summaries in the following pages present a variety of classroom activity types to address the curriculum topic of short stories and narratives.
·             The different activity types in turn provide an overview of the scope for integrating different technology possibilities to support the activity content and pedagogical strategies.

English Language Activity Types for Tertiary
English Topic - Content Knowledge (CK)
Pedagogy - Pedagogy Knowledge (PK)
Technology - Technology Knowledge (TK)
Tertiary Level:

·             Year 1:  Short   Stories and Narratives

·             Students will be able to orally compose and write interesting and lively short stories reflecting moral values e.g. tolerance, co- operation, obedience.
Activity-based learning (ABL)
·             ABL describes a range of pedagogical approaches to teaching.

·             Its core premises include the requirement that learning should be based on doing hands-on experiments and activities.

·             The goal of ABL is for learners to construct mental models that allow for 'higher-order' performance such as applied problem solving and transfer of information and skills. (Agyei 2012 pp 91 – 92)1
Possible Technologies

·             Wikispaces
·             Audacity software
·             Presentation Software

Standard Domain
Curriculum and Assessment
Standard sub-domain
Curriculum planning
Standard performance indicator
Teachers design or adapt units or classroom activities that incorporate a range of ICT tools and devices to promote student learning
Standard performance level
Technology Literacy Level (applying level)– teachers explain how existing curriculum objectives and assessment procedures can include the use of technology to support student learning and outcomes

1 Agyei, D. (2012) Preparation of Pre-service Teachers in Ghana to Integration ICT in Mathematics (Doctrinal Thesis), University fo Twente, Enschede
Group 1 – English Lesson Activity
English –Tertiary Level: Year 1:  - Short Stories and Narratives
Lesson objectives: Students will be able to orally compose and write interesting and lively short stories reflecting moral values e.g. tolerance, co- operation, obedience.
Activity Type
Description of Activity
Examples of Technology Possibilities
Oral speaking & performance
Speaking: Students produce oral language in a variety of contexts
·             Using pictures and music to tell a story.
·             In stories incorporate music in the form of lullabies, dirges and traditional work songs
Performance: Students contribute to and participate in a collaborative performance/ production
·             Looking at the fact that learners themselves take suitable pictures and record their own voices for the sing-song session to compose the story, it makes the lesson real and authentic.
·             The active participation of students does not only sustain the interest of learners, it puts them in a better position to appreciate the process of story writing as well as the values presented in the story
Three technology possibilities
·             The audacity software is used to record and play back the song which is incorporated into the story.
·             Wikispace is instrumental in organizing pictures in a chronological manner to form an interesting story.

Group 2 – English Lesson TPACK Activity
English –Tertiary Level : Short Stories and Narratives Lesson objectives: Students will be able to orally compose and write interesting and lively short stories reflecting moral values e.g. tolerance, co- operation, obedience. Content: Picture description composed of a character, role of the character and identification of lessons in a story.
Activity Type
Description of Activity
Examples of Technology Possibilities
·             Watching / viewing actively
·             Speaking
Watching/ viewing: Students watch and process visual images from their environment in order to act on the images and apply them in a story
Speaking: students tell a story about the images
Part 1 – Oral stories in pictures
1. Students are given Digital camera to take pictures of interesting scenarios around them.
2. Display picture on the slide using Power Point Presentation
3. Students orally describe what is displayed in the pictures using the following steps:
i. Identify the character in the picture
ii. The role played by the character
iii. Conclude by identifying the lesson in the story
Four technology possibilities
·             Digital recordings: Taking pictures with digital camera
·             Online photos sharing sites: Downloading picture from the internet; Uploading pictures into the computer - Simulation
·             Audio recordings: podcast - animation with sound
·             PRESENTATION software - Power point
Drafting a story
Drafting a story: Students begin composing a draft of story writing based on their pre-writing watching/ viewing & speaking activities and ideas .
PART II – Writing stories
1. Students write out what is displayed in the pictures using the following steps:
a. Identify the character in the picture
b. The role played by the character
c. Conclude by identifying the lesson in the story
2. Students should observe tenses, grammar and punctuation
Group 3 – English Lesson TPACK Activity
English –Tertiary Level: Year 1: Unit 4 - Short Stories and Narratives General objectives: Students will be able to orally compose and write interesting and lively short stories reflecting moral values e.g. tolerance, co- operation, obedience. Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to write episodes and events in vivid language
Activity Type
Description of Activity
Examples of Technology Possibilities
Reading discussion
Reading discussion: Students discuss a text with the teacher and other students to identify new words and debate the moral of the story
Part 1 – readings discussion
Reading story prepared by teacher on wikispaces
 Teachers writes episodes and events in vivid language
 Discuss the story with the learners.
 Identify the key words in the story
 Bring out the moral values in the story
Technology possibilities
 Teacher goes to the internet and then open a short story
 Teacher reads the story on the internet (wikispaces) with the learners.
 Teacher organizes jumbled sentence strategies for learners to add their sentences to the wiki in groups
Sentence composing
Sentence composing: Students build sentences using sentence composing strategies
Part II – Jumbled sentences
 Learners arrange jumbled work into a logical story/narrative.(Focus on appropriate register like linking devices)
 Jumble the story on cardboard posted on the white board.
 Individually learners come one by one to rearrange the jumbled story into
 In groups learners add their jumbled sentences to the wiki space
 Close the website
Summarizing – students summarize the story of the text by re-arranging they key events form slides
Part III – Rearranging slides
 Powerpoint application software - story is put on powerpoint
 With powerpoint presentation, the story is written systematically on slides and then presented to the learners.
 Jumble the slides
 Let the learners rearrange the story on the slides( learners should be conversant with powerpoint presentation).
Learners participate fully in the activity exhibiting their skills in powerpoint presentation.
Presentation software
 Powerpoint application software - story is put on powerpoint

Group 4 – English Lesson TPACK Activity
English –Tertiary Level: Year 1: Unit 4 - Short Stories and Narratives Lesson objectives: Students will be able to orally compose and write interesting and lively short stories reflecting moral values e.g. tolerance, co-operation and obedience. Content: The story is relevant to the level of students in terms of values and moral lessons to be learnt Pedagogy: Group work, Group discussion, Sharing, cooperation , critical thinking and problem-solving and leadership skills
Activity Type
Description of Activity
Examples of Technology Possibilities
Listening actively
Vocabulary awareness
Listening actively: Students listen actively
in order to respond to it and identify new words and build new vocabulary.
Vocabulary awareness: Students search for meanings of key words and build new vocabulary lists
Part 1 – teacher directed oral work
Step One: Teacher puts students into groups to listen to story which was a podcast produced from Audacity and Lame software and changed into an MP3 file.
Step two: Teacher plays story reasonably slowly about twice to students to listen attentively.
Step three: Students are to tease out key words from the story
Step four: Students, from groups call out words to be projected on screen.
Step five: Students to find out and explain the meanings of the words from the website
Step six: Students build new vocabs from story that can be blogged in a glossary in wikispaces.
Five technology possibilities
Audacity and Lame to produce podcast
Internet/Website for blogging
Multimodal /
Multimedia Interaction
Multimodal/ multimedia interaction: students listen, watch/view, and interact with or contribute to multimodal and multimedia texts of the story. Students use experience of listening to the story in order to learn and build key vocabulary, share glossaries in wikispace and post blogs
Part II – Student directed group work
Students can read the directly from the projector
Students can systematically in groups find out the meanings of the words.
Students can play the story any time there is the need to revisit the story.
Students can building vocabulary glossary and blogging about the story on the wikispaces website
Alternative technology possibilities
Another ICT application is the projector which could be used to show the key works directly.
The MP3 file can store the story
Website (Wikispaces) used as a platform for building glossary and for other uses such as blogging


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