Outcome Based Learning

          Teaching is a dynamic action involving demands and situations that are frequently changing, and that vary greatly from discipline to discipline. Further within the discipline, teaching-learning transactions necessitate the strategies and innovation based on the subject whether it is related to attitude development, skill development, conceptual-related, knowledge development, logical and mathematical skill etc. It also involves individual engagement and creative responses too. Becoming and being a good teacher involves hands-on experience and sustained critical reflection on one’s own performance. 

        Educational-Research has indicated that there is not  necessarily a correlation between the number of years a person has taught and his/her expertise. Someone who has taught for twenty years may only have one year’s experience unproductively repeated twenty times. Without continuous effort and readiness to innovate and evaluate one’s own teaching  practices, stagnation if not regression in teaching performance may well occur. What are the qualities that combine to create an excellent, memorable teacher? 

The four essential qualities that distinguish exceptional teachers: 
      1. Subject/Content Knowledge
      2. Communication skills
      3. Interest
      4. Respect for students.

Priority must be focused on learning than teaching. It’s called Learner-Centric Teaching or Outcome Based Learning (OBE). The OBE should be measurable both in terms of qualitative and quantitative. 

The following questions always a teacher should keep in mind when the course is being delivered:
       1. Are my students learning?
       2. What are they learning?
       3. How well are they learning?
       4. What affects their learning?
       5. How much have they learned?
       6. Are my students are studying or giving exams?


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